Flowers ceremony at the temple


Beautiful day observing all the preparations for the party tonight, the ceremony of offerings to the pagoda at the Buddhist temple Sri Ariyakulathilakaramaya of Heenatiya near Balapitiya. I also have participated a little, here and there, particularly in creating a bouquet of flowers with Dhamma School teens.

The day ended with a great ceremony where nearly 1,000 people came, all dressed in white as it should be when you go to a Buddhist temple.

More than 1,000 flowers in bunches of colors mounted on blocks sponges. Thousand lotus buds – the flower that appeared under the foot of the Buddha when he first walked – that we have opened, petal by petal in meditation, before placing an offering on the tables around the pagoda. Gift offerings for the monks – new robes – and more than 150 small lit oil lamps. These small lamps crude pottery had been previously soaked in water for a while so that the oil does not flow inside.

IMG_20151212_192031~2_redimensionnerForemost family celebration, the number of wicks installed in the oil lamp reprensents the number of family members. So mine had one wick. A wick, a flame to light the path of my life …

The monks Ven Thero Dangala Kusalagnana and the High Priest animated the evening with songs, prayers and teachings. There has been two hours of meditation (for me), all participants sitting on the ground in the space in and around the temple.

Thunderstorms wanted to wet us but finally decided to go elsewhere. So this was a perfect evening …

This ceremony is held once a year since August 23, 2002, date of the inauguration of the new “Dagoba”, the pagoda which was then completely renovated and enlarged.

It occurs usually around August 23 of each year but as Kusala Thero was in Europe at that date this year, it was held December 12th. This allowed me to have the pleasure to participate!


Infinite gratitude for these beautiful moments…

Dominique Jeanneret, Canada


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